by Chris Szulwach | Aug 24, 2015 | Thousand Islands Wedding
Kristin & Matt chose a Thousand Islands Park wedding because this place on the St. Lawrence River holds a special place in their hearts. What a beautiful place for a beautiful couple! Here’s Kristin opening a gift from Matt! It’s a photo book and...
by Chris Szulwach | Aug 18, 2015 | Finger Lakes Wedding
Throughout every wedding day that I photograph I try to find one word that describes the people, the relationships, and the wedding day in general in order to help guide me in my photography. Beth & Kern’s wedding at Mirbeau Inn & Spa kept bringing me...
by Chris Szulwach | Aug 3, 2015 | Finger Lakes Wedding
Joy. Joy is the one, single, word that comes to mind when I think about Amanda & Patrick’s wedding at St. Mary’s Church & Emerson Park in the Finger Lakes town of Auburn, NY! Pamela Beth Wedding Consulting did a wonderful job coordinating the day...
by Chris Szulwach | Jul 27, 2015 | Syracuse Wedding
Alexandra & Robert celebrated their Anyela’s Vineyard wedding on a day that covered the gamut weather wise! The day swung from sunshine to overcast, then back to sunshine, some light rain made its way in, then a rainbow showed up, and to finish things off...