Best Syracuse Wedding Photographers!

Syracuse Wedding

Best Syracuse Wedding Photographers 2012best syracuse wedding photographers 2013

A couple weeks ago I found out that I won this award from and it is a very cool honor!  This award is given to the top 5% of wedding photographers according to the reviews that clients leave! So… that means that The Story Photography has landed in the top 5% of wedding photographers in the Syracuse, Binghamton, Utica areas!
While it’s nice to be able to receive some recognition for providing the best service and best product that I can, to me, this award is really an affirmation of the fact that I’ve had great clients over the course of the past year!
The number one word of advice for any couples who are considering a photographer for their upcoming wedding…
Choose your photographer by thinking about which one you would invite to your wedding.  Are you looking for someone who is going to add to the life of the party?  Are you looking for someone who is going to sit back and simply record what is going on without interacting at all?  Are you looking for someone who is a relaxed, available to you and your guests, as well as able to give you the direction that you need for great photos?
You can find out more about how I do things by checking out the video on the Info page!
Your interaction with the photographer you choose is not only going to impact the feel of your wedding day but it will impact your photos greatly.
Of course you want to look through their portfolio and see an album or two but once you know that the quality and style that you are looking for are there, then you need to go with your feeling on the personality of the photographer.
Go ahead and click on that award logo above, you’ll land on the page with all of the award winners from the Syracuse, Binghamton, Utica area.  You’ll likely not go wrong with any of those people since they’ve all received great reviews from their past clients.  So now, it’s about finding the personality that you would like to spend your wedding day with.
I know that I’m not the right photographer for everyone but I’d love the chance for you to find that out so if you are interested in setting up a meeting with me, just click on over to the contact page and let me know!  If you think that I may be able to help you find the photographer who is right for you, please let me know!